One Plus TV !!!

One Plus has finally launched the OnePlus TV in India. There are  two models of the OnePlus TV: the OnePlus TV 55 Q1 and OnePlus TV 55 Q1 Pro.
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As the names suggest, both OnePlus TVs are 55-inch 4K QLED televisions. The OnePlus TV Q1 is the cheaper of the two, simply because it does not get a sliding soundbar like the Q1 Pro variant. All the other specs and features of the two televisions remain the same. Let’s dive in and see what the new OnePlus TVs bring to the table.
First things first: the screen quality of the OnePlus TV Q1 Pro is fantastic. Forget about the tech, and there is lot of tech in it. But QLED, Gamma Colour Magic, MEMC and De-Contour, this and that are part of the marketing talk. What really matters is the colour depth of the OnePlus TV Q1 Pro screen, its contrast, its brightness when the window blinds and curtains in a room are open, how deep is the black on it. And on all these counts, the OnePlus TV Q1 Pro delivers more than expected considering its price of Rs 99,900. The quality of the screen is such that it definitely matches what the screens of a few other, more expensive, TVs show.
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Without completely re-imagining the device, which no one is doing for now, there is not much you can do with the design of a TV. Yet, OnePlus, given its success in creating attractive and yet affordable premium phones, has bravely tried giving some unique touches to the OnePlus TV. And most of these touches are nice to see.
This is a fairly thin, although not ultra thin like some other TVs we have seen, TV. The bezels around the screen are extremely slim, and the metal frame is well built. The back panel is made of plastic, and albeit it has the distinct carbon fiber pattern -- something we have often seen on the OnePlus phone cases -- it is not in any significant way special.
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What I find special though are the magnets that OnePlus is using on the covers over the ports. Due to magnets, these covers snap shut when you place them. It's little but nice touch to the overall design.
The OnePlus TV Q1 Pro comes with an integrated soundbar. This is a soundbar with 8 speakers -- 6 on the front, 2 on the back -- and the way OnePlus integrates it in the Q1 Pro is by placing it behind the screen. But when you turn on the TV, the soundbar slides out -- and flashes a few LED lights to make a song and dance of the whole process -- and sites under the screen. When you switch off the TV or put it in the sleep mode, the soundbar retracts. I feel this is an elegant way to integrate the soundbar, and I suspect we may see other TV companies using a similar feature in future granted mechanical the whole slide-in-slide-out mechanism is durable enough. We will know in future.
OnePlus TV remote  is a minimalist remote made of brushed aluminium. It's sleek, and is functional. It's unconventional in the way that it doesn't have too many buttons, and that its volume buttons are on its right side, similar to how smartphones have them. If you are used to regular TV remotes, you will find it awkward to use. If you are not, you are perfectly fine.
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