
Showing posts from December, 2018

Amazon Alexa : Is the future here?

     Have you ever dreamt of asking questions or giving instructions using your voice ? Well, then congratulations!!! Your dream has finally come true. Amazon, the largest E-commerce company on the planet has launched their own Artificial Intelligence server, Alexa or famously known as Amazon Alexa. They launched their first smart speaker the Echo and the Echo Dot on November 2014.       Alexa is capable of voice interaction, playing music, making to-do lists, setting alarms, playing audiobooks, ordering goods from Amazon, and providing weather, traffic and sports news. Echo can answer questions such as "Alexa, what is the time in Silicon Valley ?" or "Alexa, what is the tallest mountain in the world ?". It can also play music form amazon prime music (for which you need an account), Spotify, Saavan, Apple Music, Pandora and from other radio stations.Alexa can also crack jokes {which are not always good ;) }.      Before running the device the user has to inst